Thursday, July 2, 2015

Casting Call: 'The Fantasticks'

PinnWorth of Kelsey Theater will hold auditions for "The Fantasticks" in a few days.

The show is about a boy, a girl, two fathers and a wall. The narrator, El Gallo, asks the audience to use their imagination and follow him into a world of moonlight and magic. The boy and the girl fall in love, grow apart, and finally find their way back to each other after realizing the truth in El Gallo's words that "without a hurt, the heart is hollow".

Auditionees should prepare 16-32 bars of music and a two-to-three-minute monologue, not from the show, that reflects whichever character they choose to audition for. A resumé is also advisable.

Luisa (teen, soprano, B3-C6)As a young lover, she is in love. She is in love with love, the idea of love, the idea of being in love and indeed everything remotely romantic. Her dreams are more fanciful than those of Matt. Because of her particular vision of romance, she deals with the world on a particularly naïve level.
(teen-early 20s, lyrical baritone,
low A-G4)
As a young lover, he is deeply in love, particularly with the idea of being in love. He lacks experience in the world so, while not stupid, he is naïve and perhaps even foolish at times. His image of a young man in love is one of a gallant protector, meaning that he approaches some decisions with a falsified bravery that is little more than bravado.
Hucklebee (middle-aged, baritone)Luisa's father.
Bellomy (middle-aged, baritone,
low A-G4)
Matt's father. He and Hucklebee are always arguing and bickering, but secretly plotting together for the marriage of their children.
Henry and Mortimer (middle-aged and up, nonsinging)Foolish comic actors who move the action while not seeming to contribute anything of substance. As performers their day has long past. Henry can play grand characters and recite Shakespeare, but with very little success these days. May be asked to speak in an English accent. Mortimer’s specialty is dying on stage in the manner of great adventures and melodramas. Henry and Mortimer function as a unit and rarely appear apart from each other. They are entirely theatrical and theirs is the world of the stage.
El Gallo (20s-30s, baritone, low A-G4)The narrator, the liaison between the audience and the action onstage. He is warm, cordial, and inviting to the audience, yet with darker moments. His attitude toward the rest of the cast reveals a decidedly mysterious side. Above all he is grand and must command attention.
The MuteEl Gallo's mute assistant. Age and gender are flexible.

Auditions will take place in two sessions from 7-8:30 p.m. and from 8:30-10 p.m. July 6, 7 and 13. Callbacks will occur from 7-10 p.m. July 14. Summer rehersals are flexible, with no weekends. The show will run Fridays through Sundays Sept. 25 through Oct. 4. The show will be directed by LouJ Stalsworth.

For more information, or to make an audition appointment, contact Kelsey Theater is located on the Middlesex County Community College campus on 1200 Old Trenton Road, West Windsor.

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