Auditions will take place at 7 p.m. on April 17 and 12 p.m. on April 18 and 19. Please prepare 16 bars of an up-tempo show tune. An accompanist will be provided. Please bring your own sheet music in the proper key, marked with any cuts. Callbacks will be at 7 p.m. on April 24, and 10 a.m., 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. on April 25. You will be given a specific callback date depending on the role(s) you are being considered for. If given a callback, you will be asked to read and sing from the script/score and learn a dance combination if appropriate.
Roles are:
Jesus Christ Tenor 20s-30s | Male. A gentle, yet charismatic, passionate leader by example. Need an exceptional actor/singer with a dramatic extended vocal range. |
Judas Iscariot Tenor 20s-30s | Male. Judas is filled with constant conflict regarding the right path to take. Need a dynamic actor/singer comfortable singing in a high range. |
Mary Magdalene Mezzo-soprano or belter 20s-30s | Female. An ex-prostitute who finds herself falling in love with Jesus. She is a caring woman of great strength. Need a powerful actress/singer. |
Pontius Pilate Baritone 30s-50s | Male. The Roman Governor of Judea. He has power and wields it with confidence, but his will is weak. Need a baritone with high belt. |
Caiaphas Bass 30s-50s | Male. High priest, and a formidable enemy. Caiaphas is a very dangerous man and not a cartoon villain. |
Annas Tenor 20s-50s | Male. Another high priest and associate of Caiaphas, more reckless and vicious than his colleague. |
Simon Zealotes Tenor 18-30s | Male. A disciple of Jesus. Simon wants Jesus to use his power to bring about a rebellion against Rome. Dynamic singer who dances or moves well. |
Peter Baritone 18-30s | Male. A disciple of Jesus. He is entirely loyal, but has considerable untested courage. |
King Herod Character Voice 30s-50s | Male. A Roman appointed King of Judea. Cruel, decadent and narcissistic. Will consider a wide range of performers for this role. This actor may be used in the Act One scenes as Adult Ensemble. |
Adult Ensemble 16+ | Males and females. All ages and types are needed – Great singers who dance or move well. Some smaller roles require solo singing. All ranges. |
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