Sunday, November 17, 2013

Casting Call: 'The Musical of Musicals'

Auditions for "The Musical of Musicals, the Musical" will be held at Villagers Theater from 7-10 p.m. Nov. 26.

June is an ingénue who can't pay the rent and is threatened by her evil landlord. Will the handsome leading man come to the rescue? In this hilarious satire of musical theater, one story becomes five delightful musicals, each written in the distinctive style of a different master of the form, from Rodgers & Hammerstein to Stephen Sondheim.

Auditionees should prepare either 16 bars of a Rodgers & Hammerstein song and 16 bars of a Stephen Sondheim song, or 16 bars each of two songs from the show. An accompanist will be provided.

Rehearsals will begin shortly after auditions and will be minimal throughout Dec. They will be intensive with a maximum of 10. Therefore, actors who are self-starters and learn quickly will be needed.

The villain, Jitter
The landlord figure who demands the rent be paid or another form of recompense offered.
The hero, Billy (tenor)The leading man and romantic interest who, in the end, valiantly offers to pay the rent, whether he can or not.
The ingénue, June
(Soprano with strong belt)
The leading lady who cannot pay her rent.
The matron, Abby
(Mezzo-soprano with
extended range and a strong belt)
The older woman to whom June turns for advice, always with the words "Thank you Abby, that was so helpful."

In addition to the parts mentioned above, there may also be a small chorus to supplement the vocals. They may be positioned with the piano and read from the scores for performances. One of this group may be the show's narrator.

If you are interested in auditioning but unable to attend the scheduled audition date, or if you have any questions, contact Villagers Theater is located at 475 Demott Lane, Somerset.

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