Plot: Seeking to escape the demands of life in London, Pam Fitzgerald and her brother, Roddy, an aspiring playwright, discover a charming house in the west of England, overlooking the Irish Sea. The house, Cliff End, has long been empty, and they are able to purchase it at a suspiciously low price from crusty Commander Brooke, the village curmudgeon. The reason is soon apparent: The house has an unsavory reputation. Fifteen years earlier a murder may or may not have occurred by the cliff overlooking the sea.
Stella Meredith | Female, 18 to 22, lovely and charming, outgoing in a child-like way with a sense of vulnerability about her. |
Pamela Fitzgerald | Female, 22 to 25, intelligent and enthusiastic. Nosey and intuitive, she tends to be rather impulsive. |
Roddy Fitzgerald | Male, 25-30, Pam’s brother, an aspiring playwright, intelligent and practical with a sense of adventure. |
Commander Brooke | Male, 60-70, Stella’s grandfather, stern and overprotective, he can be stubborn but fair-minded. |
Lizzie Flynn | Female, 40-65, comic character, Pam and Roddy’s cook/housekeeper. She is capable, opinionated and outspoken, loyal to Pam and Roddy almost to a fault and has an “Irish” temper. |
Mrs. Jessup | Female, 40-65, comic character, a neighbor who befriends Lizzie. She is small and alert, like a bird, likes being the center of attention and loves to gossip. |
Wendy | Female, 25-30, an actress friend of Pam and Roddy, She is vivacious and inherently sane and sensible except for the fact that she considers herself to have “mediumistic” gifts. |
Max | Male, 25-30, Wendy’s other half, an artist. He is friendly and out-going and sensitive to or respectful of other’s feelings. |
Dr. Scott | Male, 45-60, the concerned neighborhood physician, he is pleasant and likable. |
Miss Holloway | Female, 40-50, Stella’s former nurse and governess, she is cold and slightly sinister. She speaks with a strong but gentle voice in a cool and assured manner. A manipulative woman, she is very theatrical and has considerable flair. |
Playhouse 22 is located at 721 Cranbury Road, East Brunswick. For more information, write to
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