Sometimes the only way to understand people and events is filling in the blanks.
That's the premise of a new play by Khy Garner, debuting Friday at Villagers Theatre in Somerset. The play, which Villagers is presenting as part of its Yellow Brick Road fund-raising drive, will run this weekend only. Performances are scheduled for 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and 2 p.m. Sunday.
"In 2005 I started journaling about experiences that had shaped me or changed my perspective on certain social issues," Garner explained in a statement about the origins of the show. "There were things that had happened either to me, someone I knew, or someone I loved."
Sometimes they were events Garner had experienced or witnessed firsthand; other times, he had to rely on what other people had told him to understand. Imagining how those moments unfolded can lead to greater understanding and empathy. It's a practice we all engage in, whether consciously or not.
"For example, you have a friend who is quite obnoxious. We all have a friend like this: pushy, loud and overbearing, but you remain friends," Garner stated. "Ever wonder why they act this way? What happened in this friend’s life to cause these imperfections? What’s the story? Sometimes you are forced to fill in the blanks."
"Filling in the Blanks" will be directed by the playwright. Producing is Linda Giordano, with stage manager Jessica Musolino and technical director Paul Carver.
Tickets for "Filling in the Blanks" cost $15 and are available at the door, or on the Villagers web site. The theater is located in the Franklin Township Municipal Complex, at 450 Demott Lane, Somerset.
For more information, call (732) 873-2710.